About Me…

Vivid hued waterfront sunset with clouds and long dock
Backyard views…

Welcome! Thanks for swinging by!!

Meet Nicole

As you are reading this, I have a couple journals and a pencil case of metallic pens at the ready. The only exception to this rule is if I’m working on capturing some sunset pictures, I’ve most likely left the journals and pens up on a table on the deck or in a tote bag on the beach or in the truck. Even as I type this on my tablet, I am surrounded by journals, planners and the ever present metallic pens. Whether it’s morning and I’m capturing images of nature or sunsets in the evening, I’ll have coffee or espresso nearby. If the view is really spectacular or if the sun is setting, I might just have a martini or glass of wine close at hand, because you know…. it’s 5 o’clock somewhere.

Since I was a child, I have always been writing. Having been a single mom to five fantastic kids, my writing was always an evening activity so my day job could pay the bills. Funnily enough, even though writing was not my primary career function, my writing did secure literal billions of dollars in funding for the small businesses and large corporations that I worked with and consulted for.

I wish I had launched my blog back when my kids were young…. oh what hilarious antics and stories I can tell! Yet there simply wasn’t enough time for me to really focus on cohesive writing. Merely, snippets of thought, tidbits of things I wanted to learn more about, lists of possibilities or mental meanderings covered the pages of my journals. Now that everyone is grown and off on their own, I have time to do what I want.

I am on a mission to travel the majority of the world, capturing views of the coast, the pounding of the surf, the scurrying and scuttling clouds, the wickedly beautiful storms and the stories of history, along with every sunset I see, one beach, one locale at a time. Even before the youngest kid graduated, I had already hit 45 out of all 50 states in the US. Yeah, kind of crazy I haven’t just knocked the last five out by now.

As to those ever present journals… one was always titled Destinations. I would scribble out a place I read about, saw in a magazine or read in a book, jot a post it of a place I saw on the web and to that journal they would all go. When I set about organizing them about a year ago, I remember thinking… there’s not too many places or things that I DON’T want to see.

I will be a traveling writer, a week or two exploring a location or destination, blogging to my heart’s content, moving on to the next beach then another destination to blog some more. I’ll be traveling six months out of the year.